Matching Military Experience with Civilian Jobs

Matching Military Experience with Civilian Jobs

It’s job candidates’ responsibility to clearly describe their skills and experiences, and put their best foot forward. With veterans, however, sometimes those talents aren’t always reflected on their resume. Why? One reason is that veterans' roles and job duties are different in the military world, with different terminology from the private sector. Another reason is that veterans may not fully articulate the scope of their experiences because they are trained not to be boastful. The overall result: a communication gap with hiring professionals.

Veterans Show Up Ready to Work

Veterans Show Up Ready to Work

No matter who goes into the service, they are different when they come out. They’ve pushed their physical and mental limits and realized anything is possible. They have tools to handle stress and conflict. They know how to lead—and often, just as important, how to follow. They’re comfortable performing under stress. They share some core values like service to others before self. All of these things combine to make a quality employee—one who can make the difference between your business “just getting by” and growing.